The coastal terminals in Trieste and Visco.
Trieste and Visco, a great logistic system in order to supply north-east Italy and more.
Gala Logistica, a company of the Ludoil Group, has a logistics system located in the north-east of Italy, in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Thanks to its strategic location, it can supply a large market area, including Slovenia, Carinthia, part of the Triveneto and northern Croatia.
The logistic system is made up of the coastal terminal in Trieste and the oil terminal in Visco, connected together through a 10-inch and around 60 km pipeline. The terminals have a total storage capacity of over 187,000 cubic meters, with a turn around four times greater. The main handled and sold products are petrol and diesel.
White oils storage and biofuel blends.
Supply bunker of oil products, for a third party, on cargo ships, ferries and cruise ships.
Tanker cargo loading of oil products stored in storage tanks.
Among the main supplied market areas: northeastern Italy, Slovenia, Carinthia, Triveneto and Croatia.
Gala Logistica Trieste Terminal
The marine terminal, on the areas of the ex-refinery Aquila, covers an area of 170.000 mq, of which half in state concession and half of Gala Logistica property. It has a storage capacity of 5,000 cubic meters for petrol and 90,000 cubic meters for diesel.
The product, supplied by tankers that dock directly at the pier of the marine terminal, is stored in the tanks and later transferred to the Visco oil terminal through a 57 km oil pipeline that connects the two terminals
An important and complex plan is nearing completion and it will allow to send the petrol unloaded from the ships directly to the Visco oil terminal, without transit for the tanks of Trieste.

Gala Logistica Visco Terminal
The Visco oil terminal covers an area of 130,000 square meters fully owned and has a storage capacity of 20,000 cubic meters of petrol, 58,000 cubic meters of diesel and 4,000 cubic meters of biodiesel.
It is mainly supplied by pipeline, but if necessary it can also receive product through tankers. The product stored in the terminal, according to market demands, can be blended with biodiesel or with performance additives.
The products are loaded from the tankers at the six loading bays of the terminal, le quali sono gestite mediante un sistema automatizzato. Tale configurazione consente, visti gli orari di apertura del deposito, la caricazione agevole di 150 autobotti al giorno e l'intero sistema logistico, ad oggi, sarebbe in grado di movimentare un milione di tonnellate di carburante l'anno.

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